Disjointed, But Oh-So-Fascinating, Sunday Notes
(NEWS FLASH--IT'S OFFICIAL! A ROYAL WEDDING! Don't you just LOVE those... Congrats, PsychoPoppies! And Best Wishes, Scarlet Poppy! Please note that this announcement makes #6 on our list TOTALLY obsolete. And now, on with the regularly scheduled programming already in progress...)
1. Woo Hoo! Congrats to Dooce, Jay, Melissa and other bloggers mentioned in THIS New York Times story on "Parent Bloggers". There's a precious picture of Leta. And in true Zero Boss fashion, Jay even got a plug in for his manuscript. Jay? You ARE good....
2. Don't forget to send me either your "Tall Poppy Snippets", the links to previously posted Tall Poppy stories, or a blurb about the Tall Poppy post that you will be posting on your site on Friday. You can find all of the details here. I need to receive these by midnight tonight so that I can prepare my posts featuring YOU before I leave Wednesday morning. Thanks!
3. The Christmas tree is still up, but the ornaments have now made it to the dining room table. Aussie Poppy (and anyone else who likes to examine Christmas ornaments without those pesky pine needles getting in the way), please feel free to peruse them at your leisure. Though, as is true every year, it is my hope that their appearance on the dining room table will be a limited engagement. Will keep you informed of this year's closing date.
4. Yesterday I made a trip to our downtown, separate-but-connected shopping malls (GASP!!! Have I mentioned before how much I HATE malls? Yes. I thought so...) in a mad search for the perfect boots to wear with my taupe suede skirt and my black suede top at one of the casual gatherings at My Best Friend's Wedding. I had originally thought about buying black suede boots. But when I found these all-leather boots (reg. price $105) on sale at Meier and Frank for 39.99--well, that was that. (I don't do "plastic"--unless, of course, they are SUPPOSED to be plastic.) I also bought a similar pair in brown that were on sale for $26.99. If you're still in the market for boots, I'd say Meier and Frank might be a good place to start....

5. This story from the New York Times on curing winter skin woes is SUCH welcome news in my boudoir today. As I get my skin in shape for my trip to Florida in three days, I have become PAINFULLY aware that I have been less than generous with the skincare this horrid season in The Dry and Frozen Tundra. Here are a few of my favorite snippets of fabulous advice:
"Of all Arctic weather afflictions parched, flaky skin is by far the most widespread. Dr. Boni E. Elewski, president of the American Academy of Dermatology and a professor of dermatology at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, blamed a combination of three factors: outdoor cold, the dryness of heated indoor air and the low levels of humidity, which together deprive skin of its moisture. To ease the condition, she suggested washing with warm water, rather than hot; adding baking soda or oatmeal to bath water to soothe itchiness; using mild soaps like Dove or Neutrogena; applying moisturizer while skin is still damp; and sleeping with a humidifier on.
"My skin feels shriveled like a prune," said Linda Wells, the editor of Allure, the beauty magazine. "It's a challenging time." For Ms. Wells, who has almost limitless access to skin products in her job, the drugstore brands are what she has come to rely on: "I use Nivea hand cream and Neutrogena lip balm and a lot of moisurizer, so I'm embalmed before bed." She also uses Oil of Olay body wash instead of soap. "It might not be the chicest, but it holds the water right to your skin."
Diane Higgins, a New York facialist, offered an equally no-frills beauty boost that she applies before parties: the "honey pat." She warms a teaspoon of ordinary honey on her fingers and applies it all over her face, tapping it to stimulate circulation and loosen congested pores. Once it's sticky, she leaves it on for 10 minutes, then washes her face with tepid water. "The honey is a natural lactic acid," she explained. "It hydrates, breaks down dead skin cells and gives a great glow, a pick-me-up."
And that loofah that I bought a year ago that's still in the wrapper? Yep...it is SOOO coming out today....
6. And finally...for a couple of months, OP and I have been keeping a secret. It's delicious. One that will bring warmth and joy to the hearts of hundreds--at least. It is my hope that, since he and I have been doing a better job at keeping the secret than those involved whom shall not be named, that we will soon be given the TWO thumbs up to celebrate publicly with all of our friends. Ummm...Hello... People... Are we there yet? To be continued....
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