Tall Poppy Diaries

Observations and musings on life as a happy high-achiever (or what the Aussie's call a "Tall Poppy" ). "Unless you choose to do great things with it, it makes no difference how much you are rewarded, or how much power you have." --Oprah Winfrey

Thursday, January 20, 2005


  You Are Cordially Invited to Join Us Tomorrow...

For our very first Poppy Club Celebration honoring the finalists in The First Annual BoB Awards...and The Poppy Club member who founded the BoB's, Genuine Poppy.

Honorees will include Poppy Club Members:

Aussie Poppy
Barefoot Poppy
Chef Poppy
Genuine Poppy
Groovy Poppy

Magnificent Poppy
Opiate Poppy
Pearly Poppy
Plodding Poppy
Raving Poppy
Scarlet Poppy
(Did I miss anyone? If so, let me know.)
And all of the 2004 Best of Blogs Award Finalists

We are pleased and honored to invite those finalists who are not YET members of The Poppy Club to walk the Red Carpet and join us for the celebration. So please feel free to extend an invitation for them to join us tomorrow. (You will find the lists and links here).

Dress for the occasion will be formal, so break out your finest (Yes, OP, you can wear the powder blue tux with the velvet accents--THIS time. But you don't HAVE to...), have your nails done (Yes, Aussie Poppy, red will be lovely...) and grab your stilletto's (Yes, Scarlet, I think those silver Manolo's of Sig's would be PERFECT!). The Red Carpet will open at midnight EST tonight (Thursday/Friday) and will stay open until Sunday at Midnight. And then, of course, the party is NEVER over until it's over.... There will be a cocktail party in the foyer for all Poppy Club members, BoB's finalists, and guests. A simulcast Yahoo IM after-party will be held following the official announcement of the winners (details to be announced later).

So now, I'd love to know...

1. What will YOU be wearing to our very first Poppy Club BoB's Awards Celebration? (If you have a picture of your choice, please feel free to post links in our comment section)

2. Will you wear one garment on the Red Carpet, and a different one for the awards ceremony?

3. Who will you be your date?

4. Which star blogger are you most hoping to see on the Red Carpet?

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