Tall Poppy Diaries

Observations and musings on life as a happy high-achiever (or what the Aussie's call a "Tall Poppy" ). "Unless you choose to do great things with it, it makes no difference how much you are rewarded, or how much power you have." --Oprah Winfrey

Friday, February 18, 2005


  Of Parenting, Organizing and Mystery Shopping....

Hey y'all! I'm back--sort of. We have had an unruly week. The kids have been on half-days since Wednesday which means that by the time we rush around, get them off to school and settle in to work, they're BAAAACCCKK! Plus, we've had Parent-Teacher conferences, a meeting for one of the foundations where I serve on the board, and lots of mid-semester school projects to work on. Then--as if that weren't enough--the boys are out of school Monday AND Tuesday of next week. It takes A LOT of preparation to get ready for a four-day weekend, let me tell ya'.

SOOO, blogging has been taking a back seat to other must-do projects--like packing away the Christmas ornaments! (No, I didn't make it by MLK Day, but it wasn't the week before Easter either....) Yes, on Wednesday I carted all of the ornaments from the dining room table down to the theatre (the boxes were already in a basement closet 'cause I was too lazy to take them back up to the attic in December). I put Season Four of Sex and the City in the DVD player and started packing. Took me all day, but I got all gazillion ornaments appropriately wrapped and in their little boxes... and only two days after Valentines Day! Woo hoo!

But yesterday, in between foundation meetings and Parent-Teacher conferences, I did something somewhat odd and a bit exciting...I signed up to be a Secret Shopper. Yes I did. I don't know if anything will come of it. But I know that I'd be a good one if they let me have a stab at it. I also signed up to be a secret screener for theatres! Crossing my fingers that I get some hits. I think that would be SO much fun. I would never be able to support my family doing it--luckily I don't have to worry about that-- but you do get paid for your time, re-imbursed for your expenses and a card to purchase an item for $25-40. So I thought I'd try it out. Will let you know if I get any assignments...

And, well, other than trying to get in the mood to clean for the cleaning people (I HATE that...), that's pretty much my last two days in a nutshell. What have I missed with y'all? Please do tell...

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